Posts Tagged ‘eating healthy’


4 months ago I met with Tracy for guidance on how to lose my baby weight (I was

pregnant at the time) and how to keep losing while nursing. Tracy gave me a diet while

recovering from my C-section that jump-started my weight loss. She is so knowledgeable

and she has amazing recipes-ones that are so tasty my family didn’t even realize that they

were calorie restrictive. If it weren’t for Tracy I wouldn’t be 38 lbs lighter two months after

birth. I have lost all of the baby weight plus additional weight. Thank you, Tracy, for your

guidance, knowledge and support.


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I just read “How I have lost over 100 pounds and don’t know how: Experimenting to a Better Life“, written by Dion Almaer. Here is the link for the full article:


I felt such a kinship with Almaer as I read his story of weight loss:

What I have found though is that there is a difference between knowing “these are the changes that I made that brought me this outcome” and “these changes had the following effects in my body, which brought me this outcome

Major weight loss affects every aspect of your life and psyche…not just your pants size:

It turns out the biggest gift that I have been given through all of this is the change in mindset that occurred with the success. I realized that, if I can make this change, what else could I do?

And, I especially appreciated how he talked about nutrition:

  • Drink water
  • Eat vegetables
  • Stay away from sugar
  • Stay away from wheat/gluten

We agree that nutrition is key. And, that exercise is vital to health.  Almaer and I both learned how to live better lives. We share the joy of helping others, now.


I believe he was being facetious/cute with his title…I think he figured out how to lose weight, eat healthy, exercise, live better.




*I have added to a previous blog post about Paleo*

I have read a lot of blogs/comments/Facebook posts in the last few months calling the validity of The Paleo Diet. In 2013, people need to realize the “old school” food pyramid has been completely blown apart…Research has shown, time and time again, that a diet based heavily in vegetables, fruits, lean proteins and select nuts/fats is a very healthy/smart way to eat.

Check out the research/opinions/READ UP!!!!!!!!!!!!

“The Paleo diet is the healthiest way you can eat because it is the ONLY nutritional approach that works with your genetics to help you stay lean, strong and energetic! Research in biology, biochemistry, Ophthalmology, Dermatology and many other disciplines indicate it is our modern diet, full of refined foods, trans fats and sugar, that is at the root of degenerative diseases such as obesity, cancer, diabetes, heart disease, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, depression and infertility. “– Robb Wolf

Everyone is talking about the Paleolithic Diet, aka The Paleo Diet aka The Caveman Diet.  I have been eating Paleo for about 2 year now, and it is a different, healthier way to eat…NOT a fad diet!!!!  I have never felt better, in my life, than when I am sticking to the Paleo food list 100%.

My CrossFit coach introduced the diet to me because that level of physical exercise requires different levels of output from the food you eat. I developed  25 pounds of lean muscle, dropped 2 dress sizes, and never looked better. I didn’t know there was another level, physically, that I could achieve…until Paleo.

I am sharing this information with all of you because I am a big promoter of eating clean and healthy, and I don’t know a better all-around diet than Paleo. It has been proven to help with allergies, weight maintenance, muscle-building, endurance, fertility and a myriad of typical inflammation/aches we deal with every day.

So…check out the links below/google it/find out who in your local area is educated & well-versed in the inner-workings of the day-to-day meal planning involved.

Click on the link below to read more about The Paleo Diet:

Paleo Description

The Food Lovers Kitchen

I teach Paleo cooking classes to show people how easy it is to cook/eat healthy. I show people how to prepare fruits & vegetables in new and delicious ways. You have to appreciate the process of cooking your own healthy, clean food.

I know where the food I eat comes from. I know what’s in the food I eat. I know how it fuels my body, makes me strong, makes me healthy.




Simple fact: You have to put in the work to get results.

You have to exercise to burn calories

You have to eat clean/healthy to lose weight.

You have to lift weights to tone muscles.

You have to do cardio to strengthen your lungs and heart.

Living a healthy lifestyle means getting out of bed early and running, or going to the gym after your workday to lift weights, or ordering a salad when everyone else gets an extra cheese pizza.  You have to be committed to change…forever, not just 3 months (or however long you have decided it will take to lose those extra pounds).  You are becoming healthy, fit, strong. This is a process…and a total lifestyle makeover.


Worn hiking path

I am ecstatic…elated…over-joyed!!!!  I have been working with a new client for about a month now, and I am loving assisting someone on the beginning of their new journey. She has started down a new path-a new healthy lifestyle path. This is my favorite part of my job…All of the little victories/successes in the beginning of exercising and eating right.

The first sit-up, the first 1/2 mile jog, the first smile of pride in oneself. Feeling every day like you can conquer the world. Having new reserves of energy, feeling good about the choices you are making with food. Soreness from using muscles you haven’t in years. These are all of the best parts of a new workout regimen-a new lifestyle.

So…today I am celebrating/cheering for my client, who has already changed so much.  She is evolving, every day.

I am successful when a family member is successful. I am successful when a friend is successful. I am successful when a client is successful. I am so fortunate to have people all around me doing great things!

So, tell someone you care about,  how proud of them you are today (and every day)… 🙂

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This quote says it all!!!!!   You will be discouraged and miserable on your weight loss journey, if you will only be proud of yourself at the finish line. You have to celebrate each pound lost, each obstacle you overcome, each day you make healthy choices.

You should feel pride in changing your life. You should feel pride each time you eat a salad instead of chips. You should be proud every time you walk through the front door of your gym.

You will reach your goals, and not be satisfied if you haven’t taken time to appreciate the entire journey.

I was as proud of myself when I got down to a size 20, as I was when I fit into a size 4.  That size 20 had eluded me for almost a decade, I worked hard to get there. I cried and cheered when the pair of size 20 jeans, which I had taken with me across the country, fit comfortably. I packed, and unpacked, them wherever I moved-always wishing I could just squeeze into them.  So when the day arrived, and I had lost enough weight, I was elated to have succeeded!

It’s the small steps/success/victories that add up to the biggest win of all…a healthy, happy life and mindset.




I struggle with “Can’t”. Sometimes it just slips out…it’s a natural reaction to being asked to do something difficult. I have clients tell me “I can’t” all day long. My reply? “You can’t, or you won’t?”

I truly believe you can if you believe you can. A positive mindset is so important when trying new, or difficult things. If you start a workout with I can’t, you probably won’t be able to perform the tasks required. If you always believe you can’t do things, you probably won’t.

“Can’t” is a terribly dangerous word. It’s also a dangerous way of thinking. Now, I realize that there are things in life that we can’t do…I can’t knit. But, I could take the time and learn…So, the difference is that I am admitting I don’t know how to do something, not saying there is no possible way I could knit.

When you walk into the gym, and your trainer says “we are going to do push ups today!” and your immediate response is, “I can’t do push ups”…You may have to learn the proper technique, or a modification, but unless you are physically disabled and can’t use your arms-you CAN do push ups.

So clear your mind of can’t. Take can’t out of your vocabulary. Take it out of your life. “I’ll try”, “I’ll do the best I can”, or “will you please teach me ?” are all wonderful alternatives.

“I do the very best I know how – the very best I can; and I mean to keep on doing so until the end.”

Abraham Lincoln

Scar tissue is stronger than regular tissue. Realize the strength, move on.

Henry Rollins

Are you strong because you can workout really hard every day? Or, are you strong because you have dealt with really difficult situations, and become a better person?

Most people associate strength with muscles-being able to lift heavy things. But, more importantly, strength is about character. Who you are on the inside, what struggles you have had to overcome in your life.

I am strong because I found the power within myself to lose weight. I am strong because I have started my professional path over-twice! I am strong because I know I treat people who may not be very nice with kindness and respect. I am strong because I face my fears head-on every day. I am strong because I survived a car accident I was not supposed to walk away from.
I can lift some decent-sized weights. I help my friends move because I can lift furniture. I survive CrossFit WODs every day. To many, this makes me strong. But, I am truly strong because I face obstacles, with a smile, every day. I have had many trials and tribulations in my short 34 years on this planet. I don’t have time for pity parties for myself; I am proactive, not reactive.
So, develop strength inside and out…build muscles and integrity…increase endurance, literally and figuratively, for the long distance run of life.

So, I find myself in a familiar place today…sore everywhere. I had taken quite a long sabbatical from training myself & focused solely on my clients. I started back up at CrossFit this past week, in my new city, & I was humbled by how much muscle tone I have lost. Embarrassed by how out of shape I feel. Angry with myself for letting my fitness regimen fall by the wayside for work.  Ashamed that I preach about health & fitness, but wasn’t living it myself. I suffer from time management issues, just like everyone else. I also have trouble coming up with the extra money in the budget for organized exercise.

But….I am figuring it out. I am on a new path in some respects, and still on the same old path in others, the journey is the same…it’s my life. But I am trying. I am working really hard on my career, my family, my new life. It isn’t easy, ever, but I like how I look and feel when I take care of myself, so I know I have to figure out “me time” for workouts & cooking.

I’m sharing all of this to say this: I am human, I fall off the wagon. I make mistakes, but I try again. I don’t always manage my time properly. I don’t always feel like cooking. I don’t always have the drive to go workout. I don’t always have the motivation to do what needs to be done.

I am a work in progress, as all of you are. I, hopefully, will continue to learn & grow…always.

One bad meal doesn’t ruin the whole day

One bad day doesn’t ruin the whole month

One bad month doesn’t ruin the whole year

I have been living my healthy, fit life for almost 5 years now, and some days are just more trying than others. If I can do it, you can do it 🙂 It’s just one foot in front of the other, one day at a time…


i love exercise

Physical fitness can neither be achieved
by wishful thinking nor outright purchase.”
Joseph Pilates

I love exercise. I love my muscles being sore the day after a great workout. I love knowing I did something good for my body. I love the results. I love the way I feel about my appearance. I love being strong. I love feeling proud of myself.

All of that being said…I used to approach working out as a job. Something I did not want to do. Something that took energy and drive and made me hurt. When I first started a fitness regimen I was going to the gym every day for the long-term goal of losing weight. I did not like it… I was fat, out of shape, didn’t know what I was doing on my own, felt like I looked like an idiot. Working with a personal trainer helped; he taught me how to design a game  plan for each day I was exercising.

So,  I started seeing results…muscle tone, increased strength, weight loss. Then I started to feel better about doing things on my own & getting the most out of an hour at the gym every day. I found motivation in the constant improvements I was making. I could lift more weight, I could go another mile on the elliptical. I also benefited from lowering my blood pressure & cholesterol. A lot of my long time aches and pains were gone, they were due to inactivity!

When I plateaued…several times over a year period, mind you…I had to learn to change things up. My muscles became accustomed to doing the same workout routines, my strength level was not increasing anymore. I found myself back at the point where I didn’t enjoy working out…again!

Variety is the key to enjoying physical fitness. I started trying different classes. I took weight lifting, Pilates, kick boxing, yoga and boot camps. When your body and mind don’t know what’s exactly in store for a workout, you can be pleasantly surprised with how enjoyable it is to test your limits/strength…try something new.

So, my advice to anyone struggling with hating to workout/exercise: Try lots of different types of exercise. Focus on the positives about weight loss, health, looking better, feeling better, living longer.