Posts Tagged ‘strength’

I am at the precipice of my 5 year weight loss anniversary….my 5 year journey.

I want people who read my blog, see my pictures, hear my story to understand the on-going work involved in keeping 150 pounds off long-term.

My weight is always fluctuating. I am skinny some days, bloated some days, heavy some days….this is normal!!!!

When I first reached my goal weight (2008) I was 137 pounds. I was in a terrible car accident 2 weeks later. I gained 40 pounds back over the 9 months after that (I wasn’t able, or allowed, to work out). So, less than a year (2009) after losing all that weight, I was depressed and sad and felt defeated.

I started exercising again, only to be in 2 more car accidents. I gained 30 pounds that round.

After a year of not being able to work,work out, or barely move, I was back up to 180 pounds.

So, I started another stretch of my journey…I struggled to get back to my original 137-settled on a healthy 150 (2010).

Over the next year I experimented with diets, different gyms/work outs. I found CrossFit in 2011. I also learned about paleo, then.

I gained 25 pounds of muscle and went down 2 sizes. So, in 2012 I was 165 pounds, size 4, 20% body fat…. best shape of my life!

I’m sharing all of this to illustrate that it is hard for everyone…maintaining weight loss has to be tempered with life. Some days are easy to stay positive and motivated…some days are really hard. Everyone assumes my life is perfect now-assumes I’m 100% proud of my body-assumes everything is easy for me.

I have had days when I feel so discouraged…to work so hard for something and then lose it. I felt really out of control of my own life when I was stuck on the couch after the car accident…unable to live the new lifestyle I had become accustomed to.

So, I decided to be proactive and do what I could. I went back to college, got another degree. Did research on nutrition, tried out new recipes. And, I ended up finding the perfect job/career in the process!

I encourage and motivate others to live their best life. I help people learn how to take care of themselves, through physical fitness and healthy eating.

Like all of you, I have to struggle with old demons every day. I have to be proud of my accomplishments, successes & lessons learned along the way.

I try harder each day…fight temptation…find the energy & strength to go work out.

Life is a rollercoaster ride for most of us…highs & lows, dips & ascents.